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Special Workshop with Aunkai (June 2018) 合氣道 研習班

​We invited Xavier Duval from Seishin Tanren Dojo to participate an aspect of the Aiki. This is a very good opportunity to learn and comprehend the basics of Aunkai, which is focusing on how to use the body for martial arts. The training will focus on basic body alignment, and elements such as the use of the spine, etc. to create a body that can do "Aiki"

Session 1: Nage-waza by Jerald Tai Session 2: Basics of Aunkai by Xavier Duval

For more information about Aunkai: this explains better what it is.


第一節: 投技練習,指導員 Jerald Tai 第二節: Aunkai基本練習,指導員 Xavier Duval


#aikido #aikidohongkong #aikidohontoryu #budo #martialarts #practice #training #workout #hombudojo #aikikai #aikidohontoryu #aikidohongkong #training #practice #workshop We invited Xavier Duval from Seishin Tanren Dojo to participate an aspect of the Aiki. This is a very good opportunity to learn and comprehend the basics of Aunkai, which is focusing on how to use the body for martial arts. The training will focus on basic body alignment, and elements such as the use of the spine, etc. to create a body that can do "Aiki"

Session 1: Nage-waza by Jerald Tai Session 2: Basics of Aunkai by Xavier Duval

For more information about Aunkai: this explains better what it is.



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