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"Progress comes to those who train and train;

reliance on secret techniques will get you nowhere."


- O Sensei, Morihei Ueshiba

The visitor (Non-member of Hong Kong Aikido Honshinkai)
訪客 (非本會會員)

  • Mat Fee (each class) HKD 60

  • The Mat Fee does not include any official record for grading and relevant certification;

  • recommended to contact us before the training, and

  • perusal our Code of Conduct and Liability Waiver

Dojo Etiquette and Customs

"Always practice Aikido in a joyful and vibrant manner."

- O Sensei, Morihei Ueshiba

Dojo Etiquette and Regulations


The main purpose of establishing the dojo is to train the body and mind through practising Aikido, to pursue the advancement of martial arts, and to foster friendships among fellow enthusiasts. Therefore, we hope all members will adhere to the following dojo etiquette and regulations.

Preparation Before Class


Before practice, please keep your uniform clean and tidy. Place your shoes in the designated area before entering the dojo. Do not keep long nails; remove watches, rings, and other jewellery before practice, and avoid using hard hairpins to prevent injuries to yourself or others. Those with long hair should tie it up to avoid being stepped on.

Please arrive at the dojo 15 to 30 minutes before class, change into your uniform promptly, and start helping to clean the mats and other equipment in the practice area. Cleaning the dojo is also a form of training, so please participate actively. Keep your personal belongings organized and set your phone to silent before entering the dojo. If you need to leave the dojo during practice, you must inform the instructor of the day.


Attention During Class


  • When entering or leaving the dojo (the mat), bow towards the front of the dojo in a seated position.

  • Sit neatly and wait for the instructor to enter before the training begins.

  • Always maintain good posture whether walking, sitting, or standing, to uphold the image of a martial artist.

  • If you are late, sit properly outside the mat, wait for the instructor’s permission, then bow and enter the dojo to train.

  • If you need to leave, rest, or drink water during practice, get the instructor’s approval first.

  • Do not sit with your back to the front of the dojo, and do not lean against the wall while sitting.

  • After the instructor demonstrates, bow with everyone and promptly find a partner to practice with. Partners should bow to each other before starting practice.

  • Do not whisper or chat during the instructor’s teaching; follow the dojo rules when walking.

  • Do not chat casually during class.

  • Latecomers should sit down to listen when the instructor or the instructor of the day is teaching, without walking around the dojo.

  • If you need to adjust your uniform during class, turn away from your partners and quickly adjust it in a corner or at the side of the dojo. Ensure your uniform is neat before and after the meditation at the start and end of class.

  • Remember that in the dojo, we are learners of Aikido, and should avoid self-satisfaction and vanity.

  • When passing in front of seated people, bow and pass in front of them.

  • To improve your skills, actively invite higher-ranked seniors or black belts to practice.

  • Practising inattentively in the dojo is very dangerous.


Attention for Observers


Migeiko (those who are unable to practice due to injury, illness, or other reasons) or visitors should sit properly around the mat without crossing their legs. Keep quiet, do not speak loudly or move around freely. Set your phone to silent mode and do not disturb others practicing. Visitors are not allowed to take photos or videos without permission. Migeiko participants should join the bowling at the beginning and end of class and participate fully in the class process. Visitors should make an appointment in advance and not enter the dojo uninvited to disturb others.


Attention After Class


After class, immediately clean the dojo, tidy up all items, and put them back in place. Only after the dojo is cleaned is the day’s training considered complete. After the final bow, free practice can begin, but be mindful of the closing time. Do not touch or step over others' training equipment lightly; walk around them instead. According to Japanese tradition, juniors should learn to help seniors fold their hakama, and seniors should actively help the dojo master fold their hakama.

The above rules are not only for maintaining traditional etiquette but also to help concentrate during practice. Please stay safe and protect yourself and others.

Inclement Weather Arrangement

Inclement Weather Arrangement


 The class will be cancelled during the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal and Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 announced TWO hours before the start of the class.


In case the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal and Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 is cancelled TWO hours before the class commences, the class will be held as scheduled.


  1. Participants should consider the actual weather and traffic conditions when deciding whether or not to attend the class.

  2. Pre-No. 8 Special announcement is an advance notice to the public issued by the Hong Kong Observatory when the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 is expected within two hours.

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